Designed by Takuto Ohta
最近、とあるワークショップに参加した。それはアイマスクを着用し他者に牽引してもらいながら歩くというものだった。一つの感覚がもたらしている影響力と、他の感覚器官がもたらす情報の多様さにとて も驚いた。足裏に伝わる少しの段差、牽引してくれる人の肩の動き、床や天井に響く足音、自分の心臓音等、意識してこなかった感覚が拡張されていく。この体験を通じ今までの自分のものづくりを振り返った時、作品の多くが視覚から得られる情報に偏っていることに気が付いた。無意識に選んできた視覚的アウトプットからの逸脱が本制作のテーマである。
部屋で目を閉じてみる。すると身の回りにある数多のモノの存在を途端に感じなくなる。記憶や経験を除いて存在を確認できるのは、肉体、身に着けている衣類、座っている椅子、床、時計の針の音、台所の換気扇、外の室外機、通行人の話し声、といった視覚を閉じた瞬間に際立った触覚もしくは聴覚によって知覚したモノだった。視覚情報が表面をひたすらに滑り広がっていくのに対し、それらは時間的奥行きや物質的奥行きを持ち、流れた水が窪みに溜まるかのように私自身が液体としてそこへ 入り込んでいく感覚があった。しかしながら、空間に存在するものの未だ触覚や聴覚に触れない他のモノとの接続は果たされないままであり、その手がかりの拙さと遠さに憤りを覚えていた。そもそもモノは視覚を伴いながら存在することが前提で制作されていないだろうか。そんな疑問がふつふつと湧き上がっていた。
Wonder objectは音の持つ時間的特性と空間的特性を利用したモノである。風に吹かれ鳴る風鈴のように人間の行動や自然を利用し音を発生させる装置だ。音の反響が空間のモチベーションを知るきっかけを与え、コイルの運動がモノの内部で反復することで音のランダム性とレイヤーを生み出し、常に新しいモノとの関係性を構築させる。また2つ以上のコイルが互いに影響を与え、ふいに生まれる音の窪みはどこか心地よくも不思議な感覚を生み出す。それは視覚では到達できない奥行きに触れるきっかけとなる。私は最初にWonder objectが鳴らす音を聞いた時、ゲーム音やSF映画のシーンを反射的に想像した。結果的に音の物理的性質は似ていたものの、瞬時にその回答に辿りついてしまった自分に辟易とした。音を聞いているにも関わらず他の解釈の余地を無視して、自分の中にある視覚的情報の反射的な類推解釈に容易に安心してしまったからである。まだ私の想像力は視覚的なイメージと固く紐づいてしまっている。しかしながら、想像力にとって視覚情報は十分条件であっても必要条件にはなり得ないことを理解しなければならない。
Recently, I attended a workshop. It was about wearing an eye mask and walking while being towed by others. I was very surprised at the influence of one sense and the variety of information provided by other sensory organs. Unconscious sensations such as a slight step transmitted to the sole of the foot, the movement of the shoulder of the person who pulls it, the sound of footsteps echoing on the floor and ceiling, and the sound of one's heart are expanded. When I looked back on my own craftsmanship through this experience, I realized that many of her works were biased toward the information that can be obtained visually. The theme of this production is the deviation from the unconsciously selected visual output.
Try closing your eyes in the room. Then, I don't immediately feel the existence of many things around me. Except for memory and experience, the existence can be confirmed by the body, the clothes worn, the sitting chair, the floor, the sound of the hands of the clock, the ventilation fan in the kitchen, the outdoor unit outside, the voice of a passerby, etc. It was something that was perceived by a distinctive tactile or auditory sense the moment the vision was closed. While visual information slides and spreads on the surface, it has a temporal depth and a physical depth, and I feel that the flowing water enters it as a liquid as if it were collected in a depression. there were. However, the connection with other things that existed in the space but did not touch the sense of touch or hearing remained unfulfilled, and I was angry at the clues and the distance. In the first place, isn't it made on the premise that things exist with visual sense? Such a question was popping up.
Wonder object is a thing that utilizes the temporal and spatial characteristics of sound. It is a device that uses human behavior and nature to generate sound like a wind chime that blows in the wind. The echo of the sound gives an opportunity to know the motivation of the space, and the movement of the coil repeats inside the thing, creating the randomness and layer of the sound, and constantly building the relationship with the new thing. In addition, two or more coils influence each other, creating a pleasant and mysterious sensation in the hollow of the sound that is created. It is an opportunity to touch the depth that cannot be reached visually. When I first heard the sound of the Wonder object, I reflexively imagined the sound of games and the scenes of science fiction movies. As a result, although the physical properties of the sounds were similar, I was frustrated by the fact that I arrived at the answer instantly. Despite listening to the sound, I ignored other interpretations and was easily relieved by the reflexive analogy of the visual information within me. My imagination is still tightly tied to the visual image. However, it must be understood that visual information, even if it is sufficient for the imagination, cannot be a necessary condition.
In the future, it will be necessary to have a way of thinking in which all perceptions are replaced and built as the axis of imagination. It will force the reconstruction of any media using existing imagination. This text is a self-discipline for me and a stepping stone to my next imagination.